Best Homemade Body Scrub 🧼
My Magic Body Scrub ☕ I've been using body scrubs for a long time. As a teenager, it was one of the first beauty products I purchased. I was immediately captivated...
Best Homemade Body Butter 🧈
Best Body Butter Ever 🧈 A good moisturizer is crucial for our skin. I used to apply lotion daily until I started reading the labels and found a big quantity...
Feminine Energy 💗
Reconnecting with my feminine energy was not easy but I made it possible by being creative and exploring life to find a wide range of tools that helped me...
DIY - Healthy Candles 🕯️
I love to have beautiful candles at home but learned recently how toxic they could be... ! This is why I decided to make my owns and try a healthy recipe. 🤩 I...
Nightshades Vegetables 🍆
Nightshades Vegetables 🍆 I never really learned about nightshades until recently, by reading ‘“The Plant Paradox” by The nightshade family includes tomatoes, eggplants, bell peppers, potatoes, chili peppers, tomatillos,...
Healthy Boundaries ✨
From Goodbyes to Glowing Growth... Inner Intuition/calling, gut feeling… I could trust my body on this. I felt this powerful sensation in my head, my heart, & my stomach...
Recent Learnings 🤍
Recent Learnings 🤍 🌟 Overcoming your biggest fear is not an easy task, but possible with consistent work, dedication, perseverance, and a healthy dose of self-love. 🌟 Transforming...
Achieving Optimal Back Health 👩🏻⚕️
I began experiencing back issues during my second year in college. What started as small scoliosis gradually developed into severe lumbar pain, making it difficult for me to maintain a...
Overcoming Fears 💕
My biggest fear has always been public speaking. When I was 8, my classmates would laugh at me for knowing my lessons too well and reciting them as fast as...
Decoding Eating Disorders 🖤
I have been struggling with various eating disorders (anorexia, bingeing, bulimia, orthorexia) for most of my life. It wasn't until a few years ago that I realized I needed...
Your skin needs you 💆🏻♀️
When I started cleaning my diet (removing processed food, artificial sugar, and animal products) my skin cleared up and looked naturally glowing. 🌟 Indeed, I was finally able not...
Drink Water Properly 💙
Being in the mountains made me realize how drinking water to optimize its function in our body can be tricky, as it’s something we never properly learned, so I...