I began experiencing back issues during my second year in college. What started as small scoliosis gradually developed into severe lumbar pain, making it difficult for me to maintain a proper posture and care for my patients 😏

When I turned 22, a doctor recommended that I wear a lumbar belt. I followed his advice for a while, but something didn't feel right 🧐

Instead, I decided to focus on utilizing various tools and techniques >>> swipe left to discover them 🤩

Now, I can confidently say that I am free from pain, without the need for adjustments or physical therapy 😎

I sleep well, am in tune with my body's signals, and feel energized every day ⚡️⚡️

Consistency is the key to maintaining good health and increase longevity 🥰

These tools are:

🩶 Core Training: Bodyweight exercises, abs/core workouts/pilates to strengthen deep muscles, and boxing training are highly effective.

🩶 Yoga & Stretching: Pillar of living a pain-free life & increasing strength + flexibility

🩶 Legs-up Meditation: This position helps relax the upper part of the body (head, neck, and shoulders), increasing blood flow to these areas which are often tense.

🩶 Invest in a high-quality mattress and pillow

🩶 Invest in a good chair for your desk. Adjust the angle of your legs, elbows, and wrists. Look straight at the middle of your screen.

🩶 Maintain good posture while seated and walking. Also, avoid constantly looking down at your phone while walking.

🩶 Check your teeth bite, and jaw position with your dentist.

🩶 Check your feet with a podiatrist, position and contact on the ground, and…shoes (avoid heels as much as possible ladies!)

🩶 Red Light Therapy is amazing for relieving pain and relaxing muscles.

🩶 Move regularly throughout the day: avoid sitting for more than 50 minutes in a row. Use a timer to remind yourself!

🩶 Hot & Cold Therapies have an amazing anti-inflammatory effect on the body, as they boost blood and lymphatic flow.

🩶 Drink enough water (preferably Natural Spring Water) and add a little bit of organic coconut water is welcome for extra minerals!

🩶 To reduce inflammation and promote health using nutrition, focus on consuming healthy whole foods, preferably organic whenever possible - order some allergy tests to help you on this one. You should avoid all Pro-inflammatory foods like trans fats, artificial additives/sweeteners/colorants, fried food, ultra-processed food, highly refined carbs…

🩶 Make sure your levels of magnesium and B12 are good.

🩶 Remove all fuse of chemical ragrance from your body, skincare, home, sheets etc…

🩶 If you decide to work out with weights, do so with a trainer or someone who can check your posture and alignment. So many injuries can be avoided this way.

Our back is a very complicated and complete part of our body, we should take extra care of it! ✨

Love, S 💞

November 13, 2023 — Sophie Lelouch