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I am preparing it, and as I am a perfectionniste, I will be launching it in spring 2024 !
I have always been so attracted to health, at the beginning to look good and growing up to feel good. It's when I moved to the US few years ago that I needed to start looking into hidden ingredients/quality of very simple products, that I dived into functional nutrition, biohacking etc...
Being for me has always been synonym of feeling good so I would say yes. When I grew up, my mother and grandfather were always cooking at home, using fresh ingredients for each meals, a lot of veggies and fruits, good local organic products!
I do not. I used to during a very restrictive phase of my eating disorders but it was counterproductive. Now, I listen to my body, eat nutritious whole food and my brains knows exactly when to tell me to stop!
I love Olives, Olive oil, Coconut butter, Avocados & Tahini. Nut butter also but I recently stopped eating so much nuts as they make me bloated because of their dryness.
Plant-based: love red lentils soaked for at least 2 hours before cooking them, Tahini or nut butter is another great source & Zenbasil seeds.
When my body wants to, I have some Animal protein: I sometimes eat wild caught fish or organic grass fed red meat (preferably from outside the US).
It's a combination of a lot of walking per day, horseback riding, Speed Interval Training, Pilates with lights weights sometimes and Yoga/Stretching. I try to listen to my body and always increase my food intake if I increase my rythme to avoid an abnormal cortisol spike. I move everyday, sometimes just walking & stretch but I need it!
Health is a balance of all the nutrients: vitamins, minerals, protein, fats, water, and carbohydrates. It's interesting to mesure them in the body at least once a year and supplement if needed.
Without hesitation: Meditation, Journaling, Breathwork, Grounding Techniques
I do not as it's been a big part of my life that I consciously still want to think about to share, educate, help. But 99% of the healing has been processed thanks to external help and intense inner work.
Food combining is the best tool for that! Fruits then raw veggies, then fats & proteins and cooked meals. I personally love to eat raw until 4pm and have a cooked dinner. Stay hydrated & move !
"Vegan is a person who does not eat any food derived from animals and who typically does not use other animal products, like wearing leather etc...". I am not. I eat 99% plant-based and my body loves it. I feel better without dairy/eggs & grains in my diet. This is the result of years of trial and error, but I don't the Vegan Label for a person.
I do not drink alcohol anymore it's been 2 years now and feeling great! I don't miss it at all even at parties or restaurants!
I was not a coffee person before but now I appreciate it sometimes: I always start the day by drinking my herbal teas first and wait 90min from the moment I wake up to drink coffee if I decide to (avoiding to trouble the natural cortisol spike).
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