💠 Maintaining a healthy holiday lifestyle can help us feel even more energized and refreshed, enhancing the relaxation effect.


🥑 Eating nutritious foods and engaging in physical activity can boost our energy levels and improve our mood, making our holidays even more enjoyable, fun, and richer in terms of experiences, memories, and happiness.


🌟 We can even start here and build a foundation for a healthier lifestyle when we return home, or even more powerfully: be an example for everyone around us.


🧐 But what is a healthy lifestyle? It’s simply doing what makes you feel good when you make conscious choices to live in a way that promotes physical, mental, and emotional well-being.


💗 By prioritizing healthy habits, we can improve our overall quality of life and reduce the risk of diseases, live longer and healthier.


🤍 My healthy holiday lifestyle includes:


  • Good hydration (Water, lemon, green juices, Herbal Teas) 💦


  • The exact same food I have on a daily basis (mostly Fruits, Veggies, and Nuts) - This is just what’s good for me at the moment, it will probably be different for you! 💚


  • Moving my body every day: At least Yoga and Walk, sometimes Workout 🧘🏻‍♀️


  • Maintaining my sleep quality and set up 💤


  • Meditating and practicing Mindfulness every day ✨


  • Journaling or Writing my thoughts on my phone, being conscious of my choices, and self-reflect every day on them! 📖


  • Being grateful for this life, wherever I am and smile! 😁


  • Putting my legs up against the wall for 30 minutes before bed 😌


  • Keeping the same skincare routines and Finding the moment for a self-care treatment every day 💆🏻‍♀️


Love, S ❤️

November 04, 2023 — Sophie Lelouch