Getting to know yourself is a journey that takes time and effort. Here are seven ways to help you learn more about who you are:


  1. Spend time alone: Take some time to be by yourself, meditate and reflect on your thoughts and feelings. This will help you to understand your preferences, strengths, weaknesses, and values. 💗


  1. Try new things: Experiment with new hobbies, activities or experiences. This will enable you to discover what you enjoy and what you don't. 🧪👩🏻‍🔬


  1. Write in a journal: Writing down your thoughts and feelings in a journal can help you to identify patterns in your behavior and emotions. It can also help you to set new growth goals and track your progress. 📝🤓


  1. Ask for feedback: Ask people you trust to provide honest feedback about your personality, behavior, and communication style. This can help you to identify blind spots and areas for improvement. 🙋🏻‍♀️


  1. Take personality tests: Take personality tests such as Myers-Briggs, Enneagram or Big Five Personality traits. These tests can provide insights into your personality and behavior. in addition to these tests, I personally love to read My Human Design profile, it helps me navigate through lots of situations and it’s so accurate. 🧬🧚🏻‍♀️


  1. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness involves being present in the moment and paying attention to your thoughts and feelings without judgment. This can help you to develop self-awareness and reduce stress. 🧘🏻‍♀️🙏🏼


  1. Reflect on your past: Think about your past experiences and how they have shaped who you are today. This can help you to understand your values, beliefs, and motivations. 🔙💫


Remember, getting to know yourself is a lifelong process. Be patient, curious and kind to yourself as you go through this journey. 🌟


Love, S ❤️

November 04, 2023 — Sophie Lelouch